Different Types of Acne Treatment

I found this small article by acnetreatmenthelp.com, telling about different types of acne treatment. Here it is..

There are many different types of acne treatment that people can use. Just about everyone you know has some kind of magical remedy. But where did they obtain their information? It is little wonder that there is a lot of misunderstanding on the subject. Acne is generally placed into one of three categories; mild, moderate or severe. The management for each of these stages varies significantly. Acne is a health condition and needs to be treated as such.

If you have acne and you feel that it is getting worse instead of better, the best thing that you can do is let a professional dermatologist have a look at your condition and prescribe an appropriate treatment for you. Mild acne is first treated by gently washing the area twice daily with warm water and soap. In addition to cleansing the area, an over-the-counter cream or similar otc products that incorporates benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid should be used. These can be found in most pharmacies, and kill the bacteria on the epidermis. Proper skin care is essential. It is important to comprehend that improvements take time and do not happen overnight, especially with topical solutions. Look for a gradual, steady improvement in the condition of your skin. Some physicians will recommend certain vitamins to help the appearance of the skin. Remember acne can occur nearly any part of the body, including the arms, neck, back, the legs, and the arms.

Acne is moderate when pimples (blackheads , whitehead, and comedones) cover approximately half of the face. If you have moderate acne, consult a dermatologist in order to quickly get a handle on your situation. Although acne can be very depressing for those that suffer from it, doctors say that most acne is completely treatable. Usually, a combination therapies is used to treat moderate acne. This would usually be a mixture of a physical treatment such as extraction or light therapy and a prescription treatment like an antimicrobial or retinoid cream. Sometimes, oral acne treatments or oral contraceptives have been known to work as well. Acne scars can definitely become more serious if it is not taken care of in the moderate stage. Therefore, it is very important to try to resolve acne as soon as you can.

When acne is severe, the symptoms will be very obvious to the individual suffering from it. Pimples and zits become deep, inflamed and cyst-like. Usually a lot of scarring and damage to the skin occurs, causing feelings of sadness and depression. Remember though that you can find acne treatment and, as much as possible, should be sought before the acne has reached this level.

Dermatologists will use very aggressive treatments to try to prevent the progression of severe acne. They will try to stop it in its tracks while at the same time, work to prevent permanent scarring. Oral antibiotics and medications such as accutane, may be used at this stage as well as drainage techniques and surgical incision, also known as Acne Surgery. Other acne treatments such as injections of corticosteroids can be used. This is primarily used to melt cysts over a period of a few days. The acne therapy chosen by your determatologist will be matched to the severity of the condition effecting your skin.

It is important to obtain well-informed information from a medical professional regarding your acne. Acne treatment requires patience as it usually takes between six to eight weeks of management before visible signs of improvement can be seen. One should follow an acne care regime prescribed by a doctor. Misinformation can have you using an ineffective remedy for a long period of time, in a desperate attempt to cure your acne. Mistakes can waste time, ultimately making your acne last longer. Be persistent and work with the prescribed medications and stick with the instructions given to you by your doctor. Adult acne care is different from adolescent acne care, as the hormones going through ones body are different. Therefore don’t assume what you used to cure your teenage acne problem will cure your adult problems as well.

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