Sree Anakkal Bhagavathi Temple is an old temple located on the banks of the Kunthi river in Puramathra village.
Puramathra is located in Kulukkallur panchayath in Palakkad district in the state of Kerala, India.
I got to know of this temple by chance or you might say bhagavathi got me there by her will.
We were looking for a scenic view – got lost in every way possible.
I got out of the car and started walking to wards the river.
I was wearing my traditional dress (mundu) since we had visited temples in the morning.,
I came to an auto driver – he thought that I was looking for a temple festival which was happening on that day a few kilo meters from where we were.
I enqired to him whats there to see nearby – and he pointed out there is an ancient temple nearby which only the locals know about.
Curious, I walked along the direction he pointed.
Rest of us were too tired to walk.
I came acros the temple which is near to the lift irrigation project..
The temple is in ruins, but it still provides a nostalgic experiance.
Sree Anakkal Bhagavathi Temple, Puramathra – Photos and Videos
If you are nearby Sree Anakkal Bhagavathi Temple and you haven’t visited this, then do go there.
Do check out the temples that I have visited.