Best treatment for hemorrhoids

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It is estimated that over half of men and women will have hemorrhoids (also known as ‘piles’) by the time they reach 50 years of age. So if you are looking for the best treatment for hemorrhoids, you are not alone.

The Problem
Hemorrhoids are the condition that develops when the veins of the anus and/or lower rectum become inflamed and swollen. A comparison can be made between swollen hemorrhoidal veins and varicose veins found on legs.

Hemorrhoids are categorized by their location:

External hemorrhoids are found under the fragile skin of the anus.

Internal hemorrhoids are found along the walls of the rectum and neither visible or palpable outside the anus. An exception to this rule is protruding hemorrhoids, an extreme versions of internal hemorrhoids. Portions of tissue that begin inside the anus, along the walls of the rectum become so distended they protrude outside the anus. This may occur temporarily, such as during a bowel movement or, eventually, more permanently until treatment can be undergone.

Symptoms are different for each type of hemorrhoid.

External hemorrhoids are found in the highly enervated area around the anus and are commonly painful and itchy. They may also cause noticeable swelling or a sensitive lump resulting from a blood clot in the tissue. This clotted tissue is called a “thrombosed external hemorrhoid.”

Internal hemorrhoids may not cause any discomfort due to the limited number of nerve endings in the rectum, but may present themselves with bright red blood in the individual’s stool or in the toilet after a bowel movement. Because this symptom may also be a sign of colorectal cancer, it is imperative that a doctor be consulted at the first sign of a bloody stool.

Protruding hemorrhoids are visibly and palpably evident, and may result in pain and irritation around the anus as well.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids may easily be confused with those of other conditions such as fissures, fistulae, abscesses and pruritus ani (anal irritation and itching).

A physician will typically examine the anus and rectum for enlarged blood vessels and conduct a palpatory exam with a gloved and lubricated finger to feel for abnormalities. If more information is required, one of many types of lighted tubes may be inserted to closely view rectal walls. This procedure may include an anoscope, proctoscope, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, depending on the exam requirements.

Best Treatment for Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids treatments range from simple lifestyle changes, to in-home remedies to surgery depending on the severity of the case and its responsiveness to treatment. The best treatment for hemorrhoids is a combination of these measures, resorting to surgery if necessary.

Because hemorrhoids result from strain or other extenuating conditions in the lower abdomen, rectum and anus, the best way to encourage healing is to recognize and correct contributing behaviors and circumstances. Below is a list of factors which can cause or exacerbate hemorrhoidal tissues, and suggestions on how to avoid them.

Straining to move stool/chronic constipation puts undue pressure on the anus and rectum. For softer, more easily passed stools and consequent reduction in straining during bowel movements:

• Increase water intake – make sure you’re drinking between 6-8 eight oz. glasses of water per day. (note: alcohol, caffeine and sugar take large quantities of water to process or are diuretic, causing the expulsion of water from the body. Beverages with these ingredients are NOT substitutes for water).
• Add fiber to diet – fruits, vegetables and whole grains are natural sources of dietary fiber
• Stool softeners – these can be purchased over-the-counter but beware, diarrhea also exacerbates hemorrhoidal tissues.

Excessive rubbing/scratching can exacerbate minor symptoms and induce hemorrhoids. Try cleaning yourself after a bowel movement gently with warm water.

Overuse of enemas can traumatize tissues.

Severe coughing and diarrhea put undue strain on the lower digestive tract and abdomen. Treat these conditions as soon as possible to reduce your risk of hastening hemorrhoidal development.

Anal sexual penetration is a trauma to fragile anal and rectal tissues. Reduce the possibility of injury by using plenty of lubrication and proceeding with caution.

Heavy lifting puts pressure on entire lower abdomen. Always exhale on exertion, never hold your breath, or ask for help if you need it.

Spending long periods of time sitting in a chair or on the toilet. To break up long periods of sitting, shift in your chair frequently or stand up to walk around from time to time. Avoid reading or other relaxing pastimes while on the toilet.

Pregnancy causes fetal pressure both before and during birth and hormonal changes which contribute to hemorrhoidal conditions for pregnant women. Take comfort in knowing pregnancy-induced hemorrhoids are usually temporary.

Heredity is a contributing factor in tendency towards hemorrhoids. There’s no way to change your genetic makeup, but knowing you’re at risk may give you added incentive to heed the other precautions listed here and keep yourself healthy.

Adopt other healthy habits:
Empty bowels as soon as you feel the urge.
Exercise. Healthy bodies produce healthy stools.

The best home remedy hemorrhoids treatments include:
Soaking in a warm tub of clear water for ten minutes, several times per day
Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen
Topical hemorrhoidal ointments, creams or suppositories

The best surgical hemorrhoids treatments during office or hospital visits include:

Internal hemorrhoid ligation – a tight band is placed around the base of a hemorrhoid, cutting of circulation to and killing the tissue in approximately seven days.

Sclerotherapy – a chemical solution injected into the vessels reduces swelling. A similar treatment is used for varicose veins in the legs.

Infrared coagulation – hemorrhoidal tissues are burned away.

Hemorrhoidectomy – traditional or laser surgical removal is necessary when other measures have failed or recurring clots and bleeding become an issue.

Cryotherapy – freezing with liquid nitrogen is rarely used anymore due to resultant pain as opposed to other methods of hemorrhoid treatment.

The important thing to remember is that hemorrhoids are a common, treatable condition and sufferers shouldn’t be embarrassed or otherwise reluctant to seek help.strong

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