
Talents being discovered these days are getting younger and younger. Gonnabe of Be productions give opportunities to children to harness their talents and skills to become succesful individuals in the world of showbiz. Note that Be Studios broadcasts the sitcom “Kids Unlimited” and the sketch comedy show “Say What?” on the Bay Area’s CW channel.

Gonnabe may just be what the kids and the entertainment industry needs.

The company is fairly new, starting in 2007, but they have built a reputation for themselves. Gonnabe is located in Emeryville, California. They make every effort to ensure that each kid reaches their full potential. Working with Gonnabe will give the children substantial work experience which can later help them if they want to proceed to more serious acting and directorial jobs in the future.

They offer so many amazing benefits

* They are a production company, and therefore your child can get the chance to act and appear before 61 million households.

* Children are offered the opportunity to work with other professionals.

* Their website has a designated place to upload resumes, head shots, and work samples.

* There is also a place for job postings where members can look for casting calls and local shoots.

* Online Classes are offered via the Gonnabe website.

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